Taste it

All the latest news on superfoods, diet and nutrition.

Superfood of the Month: Maca Root Powder


Maca is considered one of the worlds natural ‘superfoods’. Superfoods are certain foods that are nutritionally dense with extra-large doses of vitamins and minerals that can help us ward off diseases and live a longer, healthier life. They have considerably added health benefits when combined with healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.

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Is There Any Truth To “An Apple A Day?”


Does an apple a day keep the doctor away?

Well, probably not. But a new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine has found it can keep the pharmacist away.

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Get Your Quinoa On


It seems that, all of a sudden, everyone loves Quinoa. But why?

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Eating Like A Caveman


Around since 2002, the Paleo diet has been steadily growing in popularity for the past 13 years as a way to lose weight while being able to indulge in all your favorite proteins and fats.

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Reynolds Easter Recipies


We’ve put together some delicious-yet-relatively-healthy Easter recipes. Enjoy!

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Healthy Easter Treats


Easter isn’t typically known as a healthy time of year. In fact, quite the opposite: big roast dinners, lots of chocolate, and maybe a few too many drinks are the order of the day.

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Why Not Do Some Spring Cleaning With This Detox Week Plan?


Detoxes are great for anyone wanting to kick start a diet, boost the metabolism or just to cleanse and feel better generally!

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Superfood: Flaxseed


Flaxseed is made up of multiple healthy components, its main health benefits come from just three. Omega-3, Fibre and Lignans.

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Make Fruit & Vegetables Work For You


Most people know that eating more fruits and vegetables can make you lose weight. What people don’t know is what types of fruit work the best and why!

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The Waterleaf’s New Superfood: Aronia Berries


This week our head Chef David Pigram met with an Andrew Tickle, an amazing Kentish producer, to discuss a new ingredient.

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Superfood Coconut


With the health trend at its peak, clean eating and super foods exceptionally important for promoting overall wellbeing. Coconuts have a variety of health benefits that will help all year round!

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Recovery Meals


We expect you’ll be pushing your bodies extra hard this week in order to shake off the festive treats! However, recovery is equally as important for your health and fitness as the working out itself.

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The Waterleaf: Your Chefs


We had a chat with David Pigram our head chef at The Waterleaf. We thought it would be great to share some information about your chefs with you!

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How to party and stay fit this festive season!


Don’t forget it’s important to enjoy yourself over the holiday seasons with the festivities of Hanaka, Christmas and New Year. With these tips you can maintain your achievements and most importantly stay healthy whilst enjoying yourself.

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