Parking Relief

Posted: 01/08/2011

Parking Relief

Members at The Chapel at Bexley will be pleased to learn that additional parking has now been financed. Rainham and Sittingbourne continue to have additional neighbouring parking at both clubs.

Members at Bexley can now park in the Pinewood House NHS neighbouring car park (to the left of the Reynolds entrance gates):-

  • Mon -Thurs – 6pm-10pm
  • Fri – 6pm-9pm
  • Sat & Sun – 8am-5pm

Please DO NOT leave your car overnight and DO NOT exceed the finish time.

If these times are abused this facility will be cancelled by the NHS.

Members at Rainham have continuing use of The Green Lion public house car park across the road, when Reynolds is full.This has been available for some time but despite notices around the club some members are still unaware of this.

Members at Sittingbourne have continuing use of the Wicks car park close by. Please ensure you leave by 8pm as their gates are then locked, and you will be unable to access your car until the next morning.



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