The Truth About Chocolate

Posted: 22/10/2008

The Truth About Chocolate

Have you got a bit of a sweet tooth? Find out how many calories are in your favourite bars of chocolate.

Whether its white, milk or dark chocolate. We all have our favouties and like to indulge ourselves from time to time.

Listed below are some of your favourite chocolate bars and the calories they contain.

Chocolate Calories
Cadbury’s Double Decker 270
Cadbury’s Dairy Milk 255
Cadbury’s Dream 250
Nestle Rolo 247
Cadbury’s Caramel 240
Cadbury’s Fruit and Nut 240
Nestle Toffee Crisp 227
Maltesers 187
Creme Egg 170
Cadbury’s Buttons 170
Cadbury’s Flake 170
Twix 143
Bounty 135
Milky Way 118
Kit Kat 106
  • There are some health benefits that come with eating chocolate. Dark chocolate in particular is rich in antioxidants.
  • The carbohydrates in chocolate can raise serotonin levels in the brain resulting in a sense of well being.
  • However, chocolate comes with its negative points. As well as being able to boost your antioxidant levels by 20%. Chocolate is also high in saturated fat, suguars and calories which in turn can increase cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease.
  • It is also known to trigger headaches and migraines
  • Adding milk to dark chocolate can cancel out the health properties so eating a bar of milk, or worse, white chocolate will not have the same effect as eating a bar of dark chocolate!
  • So, chocolate can be eaten as part of a balanced diet but only in moderation!!



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