Reynolds Training Academy will comply with current legislation and funding guidance with regards to any charges that it makes to students.
Students experiencing financial hardship may be eligible to apply for financial assistance through a variety of funds. Students should contact the Senior Administrator for information and advice.
This policy applies to all ‘home’, ‘overseas’ and asylum seeker or refugee students who are studying courses at Reynolds Training Academy.
Publicly funded educational institutions can charge two levels of fee: the lower ‘home’ fee and the higher ‘overseas’ fee. Whether a student pays the ‘home’ or ‘overseas’ fee depends on whether they meet certain criteria e.g. country of birth, length of time in the UK, country of residence, immigration status. In general, British and other European Union citizens qualify for home student status, though there are other criteria to be satisfied.
To provide a description of charges that Reynolds Training Academy makes to students.
To explain the roles and responsibilities of staff and students.
To explain the procedure for dealing with any appeals or complaints in relation to charges.
The Senior Management Team (SMT) is responsible for ensuring that Reynolds Training Academy has fair and transparent policies and procedures in place for charging students.
The SMT is responsible for:
The Principal has responsibility for ensuring that these policies and procedures are fully implemented, is accountable for Reynolds Training Academy’s use of funds and ensures complaints are dealt with appropriately.
The Senior Administrator is responsible for:
Students, Parents and Carers are responsible for:
Tuition Fees – No ‘home’ student aged 16,17 or 18 on 31st August immediately prior to their enrolment will be charged tuition fees for the government funded hours/component* of their course as long as they meet the residency conditions as set out in the Education Skills and Funding Agency guidelines (available from website).
A student who is 19+ on the 31st August immediately prior to their enrolment may be charged tuition fees or they may be able to apply for an advanced learning loan. These government-supported loans are available to help learners aged 19 and overpay their fees for eligible course at levels 3 to 6. For a student who is aged 19+-23 and does not already have a level 2 qualification they may be able to apply for funding through the government funded adult education budget.
Students will continue to receive free tuition for the government funded hours/component of their course in any consecutive, subsequent year of study on the same study programme as recorded in their learning agreement (i.e. students beginning the first year of a two-year course will not be charged tuition for the government funded hours/component for re-enrolling into the second year if they were not required to pay tuition fees for the first year of the course). The senior administrator will respond to student, parent/carer or staff questions relating to tuition fees.
Audition Fee (Performing arts courses) = £30. Payable for face-to-face auditions. There is no charge for video auditions. RPA does not want fees to discourage any applicants from auditioning. There is an Audition Fee Waiver Scheme to encourage applications from talented candidates who are prevented from applying by financial barriers. Details are given on application to the course.
All students who start will be asked to pay an initial course contribution fee of £50 towards costs that incidental to their education and are not covered by government funding or private tuition fees.
Reynolds Performing Arts students pay a £300 enrichment fund fee to cover the cost of costumes, show fees, theatre trips, uniform and ID lanyard.
Arrangements can be made for those students in financial hardship who cannot meet this cost by using approved bursaries.
Students are required to pay, in advance, the full costs of any non-compulsory trips or activities they choose to attend which are not covered by a course charge. This includes private singing lessons, LAMDA lessons, and beauty and fitness CPD courses.
Students will be issued with a photo ID card at the start of their first academic year and/or course at Reynolds Training Academy. Students who lose their ID card will be charged £2.50 for a replacement.
Financial support may be available to students who are experiencing levels of financial hardship which are a barrier to them accessing or participating in education. Information and advice is available from the Business Support Team.
A student or parent/carer wishing to make a complaint or appeal regarding charges that they are required to pay should do so to the appropriate member of staff in the first instance. For example, if the charge is in relation to a trip or visit, the student or their parent/carer should first approach the member of staff who is leading the trip or visit.
If the student or parent/carer is not satisfied with the response from the appropriate member of staff, he/she should refer to Reynolds Training Academy’s complaints policy and procedures.
This policy will be reviewed on an annual cycle, or earlier if needed to ensure compliance with ESFA funding advice and guidance/legislation.
We offer payment plans which spread the costs and we also offer a 10% discount on all fees that are paid on or before a specified date before the start of term.
Students will be liable for the full-top up fees for the academic year on or after 6 weeks from the commencement date.
Reynolds Training Academy reserves the right to levy additional charges for the non-payment of fees and cancellation of direct debit instructions, where students have failed to provide the requisite prior notification 20 days before the collection date to the Business Support Team.
Any fees (and related charges and costs) overdue after 30 days from the due date will be subject to either:
balances up to £200 no charge
balances £200 to £1,000 £50 charge
balances £1,000 to £5,000 £100 charge
An administration charge of £20 will be levied against a student’s account if any direct debit instruction is cancelled without sufficient prior notice to the Senior Administrator.
Cancellation of an arrangement in such circumstances will also result in forfeiture of the concession to pay by instalments, and all remaining sums due for the year in question will become immediately due for payment. The student will then be regarded as having fallen into debt, triggering the process described above.
An administration charge of £20 will be levied against a student’s account if a payment is not honoured by the student’s bank, for example through lack of funds at the time. The student will then be regarded as having fallen into debt, triggering the process described above.
In the event of a query or dispute in relation to any additional charges levied, please contact the Business Support Team. Under special circumstances, the ‘late payment’ charge may be waived in any case where there is clear evidence that the late payment was not the fault of the student.