College Charter, Learner Complaints Procedure & Sub-Contracting Policy and Strategy 19/20

College Charter

At Reynolds Training Academy we are committed to providing education and training of the highest possible quality. Our College Charter tells you how we aim to do that and what you can expect.

If you are thinking of becoming a learner at Reynolds Training Academy, we will provide you with:

If you are a learner at Reynolds Training Academy, you can expect:

Teaching which meets your needs

Facilities which are sufficient for your course and your personal needs

Equality of Opportunity

If you are an employer or a member of the local community you can expect:

Are we meeting our commitments?

If you feel that we have not met any of the commitments in the Charter, if you feel dissatisfied with some other aspects of the college or if you’d like to let us know that we are doing something well, we would like you to get in touch with us. We want to continually improve our services and need your help in doing so.

You can get in touch with us by the address below or by phoning us on 01322 275807.

Complaints Procedure

Reynolds Training Academy is committed to dealing with complaints seriously, promptly, confidentially and to the highest possible standard.


Reynolds Training Academy aims to provide a high quality service to learners but recognises that occasionally things do go wrong. The level of service that may be expected from the college is set out in the College Charter. In many cases problems or misunderstandings can be dealt with by discussion between staff and learners, but in other instances it may be appropriate to pursue the matter in a more formal way.

This procedure is intended as a guide to all learners, demonstrating the way complaints should be made and how they should be resolved in an effective way. Whatever the complaint, it should be dealt with promptly and fairly and in accordance with the College’s official policy and procedure. Learners thinking of making a complaint may wish to consult the college office for advice before doing so.

This Complaints Procedure is part of the college’s process of quality review and improvement. Complaints are considered as useful feedback rather than criticism and are always valued. If learners have any comments to make about this procedure please contact the Senior Administrator at the college office.

The Process

Step 1

Any learner with a complaint about any aspect of their course should in the first instance discuss the problem with the member of staff most directly concerned. If the learner is uncomfortable approaching this person, they can approach any other appropriate tutor. Most problems can easily be resolved in this manner.

Step 2

If, having discussed the manner with the relevant individual, the learner remains dissatisfied or if the complaint concerns a member of staff or is of a personal nature, the Senior Administrator at the college’s office should be contacted.

When making a complaint, it is helpful if as much information as possible is provided with a clear indication of the nature of the complaint. Any steps already taken to resolve the problem should also be described.

There are a number of ways to register a complaint, which are outlined below.

All letters of complaint should be sent to the Principal at the following address:

Reynolds Training Academy
Orchard House
Kent Road
Kent DA1 2AJ

*Unfortunately the college cannot guarantee that a member of staff will always be available to receive phone calls. If contact cannot be made by telephone, it is advised that an alternative method is used.

Step 3

All learners’ complaints will be acknowledged by the office within 3 working days of receipt.

Step 4

On receipt of a complaint, depending on the seriousness of the complaint, the office will contact the most senior member of staff or Principal and an investigation will take place. The staff member investigating the complaint will contact the learner within a maximum of 10 working days. In cases where an investigation lasts for more than this time, the learner will be notified. However the learner may contact the office directly at any time.

Wherever possible the learner will be contacted by telephone with the results of the investigation into the complaint. If the learner is satisfied with the outcome, the complaint will be closed.

Step 5

If the learner is not satisfied with the outcome, they may request that the matter be reinvestigated. The complaint will be passed to the most senior member of staff and the learner will be invited to give more information.

All correspondence will be recorded by the office and reported to college staff on at least an annual basis. For reasons of confidentiality the names of all complainants will not be included in any report.

Step 6

If the learner is not satisfied with the internal complaints procedure and outcome, recourse can be made with the appropriate awarding body, who will determine the most appropriate course of action.

Sub-Contracting Policy and Strategy 19/20

RTA is committed to providing high quality training.  As a training organisation we aim to deliver the majority of our delivery directly, and will only sub-contract provision where there is a genuine reason why we should do so. Where we do Sub-Contract provision we will ensure that the provision is of the standard we would expect from our own provision, and will manage the provision using the same metrics as our direct delivery.

Rationale for Sub-Contracting

To agree a sub-contract one or more of the following conditions must be met:-

RTA will not sub-contract


RTA will require any Sub-Contractor to undertake a full due diligence which will require evidence of suitability covering the following:-


Management Fees

RTA has a standard management fee of 20%. This can be increased or decreased depending on the level of support our due diligence process indicated is necessary, or the range of services we provide (such as English and Maths).

Sub-Contractor Management

We will expect all RTA materials / policies (Prevent, Safeguarding etc.) to be clearly displayed at each sub-contractor site.

Staff delivering programmes under sub-contract arrangements will be expected to have the same level of qualifications and perform to the same standards as we would expect RTA employees.

Where provision is delivered with employed learners, RTA will own the relationship with the Employer.

We will ensure that IAG delivered to sub-contracted learners is robust and learners understand the realistic potential outcomes from their learning programmes.

Monthly reviews will be undertaken to ensure that the provision is high quality.  We will monitor all aspects of provision, in particular:-

For more information please email